lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

Part 2 of the 97 part series on private education in Spain: if a bomb falls on England

The Spanish private education system is, as we have previously noted, very Catholic, very conservative, and (one might argue) very ridiculous.

Case in point: Today my professor explained to us why Hungarians have traditionally had a highly nationalistic tilt. Essentially, they are the only pueblo with their specific culture, and thus if they disappear, there is no more Hungarian culture. Fair enough. So to sate their nationalistic tendencies, they of course oppress the other neighbor cultures.

Quote: "Si cae una bomba en inglaterra, pues no pasa nada, porque todavia queda Australia, Canada, etc."
Translation: "If a bomb falls on England, well nothing happens, because there is still an Australia, Canada, etc."

Of course if a bomb falls on Hungary, then we have a problem. The English? Ehh.

Conclusion: England is dispensable.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

¡and then she showed us her culo!

And today, during the course of a normal dinner, my Señora stood up, pulled up her dress and showed us her ass…ostensibly to show Suzannah that she had a mole which was in fact not cancerous. I have seen the ass of my 65 year old Señora.

Conclusion: España is different.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

¡Obama, rumbo a la Casa Blanca!

¡Obama, bound for the White House!

That was the headline of El País on Wednesday morning (exclamation points added (but they make it more exciting)). Tuesday was a crazy day. I could barely focus my thoughts the whole day. I was so nervous and excited. At 11 we went to the all-night returns watching party hosted by the Democrats Abroad. This is what it looked like. It was a little like a political mosh pit.

My Señora came for the first part, which was great, and there were actually a great deal of Españoles. Which just goes to show what an international election this was. Suzannah was wearing an Obama shirt, so many enthused newsfolk took many pictures and/or videos of her. This is when we were awake and enthused. Later we were enthused in a more soporific manner. I only got pictures of my pecho, with a Dems Abroad pin. Oh well.

This is approximately what it looks like when,
after being awake for approximately 34 hours, a lot of expats and enthused Madrileños find out that some guy named Barack Obama is going to be President, or something. Also, my batteries were dying and I was bouncing around in it pretty much looks like nothing. Pues, pasa nada. Anyway, I'm pretty bummed I missed all the amazingness that went down in the streets of Seattle...but I guess we can't be everywhere all at once. All said and done, I know that no politician can remedy all the troubles of our country, or walk on water, or magically make the Bush years disappear, but I really think that he is the first president in years who has the ability to make real change. I know change doesn't come quickly to these United States, but for now I just want to bask in the glory of it.

Conclusion: My faith is restored in the American people.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

¡Las elecciones américanas!

Today, wearing the Obama pin that Suzannah lent me, and my own Democrats abroad pin, no fewer than five people stopped me in the metro and the streets to tell me how amazing Obama is. And don't I know it? It was incredible to feel pride for my country. Never in my sentient, young adult years have I felt proud of my country, of what my country could do in just a few short hours, of what my country could still be in the future. As I was going up the escalators in my metro station, I locked eyes for one moment with a woman who gave me the biggest, warmest smile. It melted my heart.

Entonces, during my class (of modern history) at the CEU, the spanish students started asking a bunch of questions about the election and about the American electoral system. So instead of having class, we basically had an Ask Fiona Questions session. In short, I explained the whole system of the electoral college (in Spanish) and then everyone said it seemed completely unfair (of course). Obviously, they just wanted to skip class (and who could blame them?) but they were very appreciative at the end. They were all excited that the Americans had voted, and that there could be an Obama presidency.

So now I'm getting ready for an all-night Democrats Abroad returns watching party. I have already voted, and there nothing more to do but not sleep...and hope. As cliche as it sounds, it's really what makes Obama what he is, and what makes him worthwhile. Because today there is still hope. There is still excitement. There is still pride. And even if all these overwhelming emotions die sometime during the madrugada tomorrow in Florida or Ohio or Pennsylvania, at least today, for one last day, we still had hope.

Concusion: It is still early in the States, especially on the west coast. Entonces...VOTE, BITCHES, VOTE.