martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Chambery, Francia!

So I'm with the delicious (not that I would know) Steph Latchman here in her adorable home(ish)town of Chambery, Francia! It's like so painfully french, it hurts me to think about it. The language is terrifying. Ugh. French just seems so hard. Maybe that's why they're elitist? I suppose it makes sense that if no one else can figure out your language, that you would feel superior. Either way, Francia is delightful. We had a stellar weekend in Lyon before coming back to Chambery. In Lyon, they had a big sign in lights that said "Thank You Mary" (in French) which made me laugh. It's almost as good as in Spain where we have "Mary's uterus spontaneously got pregnant" holidays. Like seriously, they're not Virgin Mary Days (well, a lot of them are), they're actually magical pregnancy days. You've got to give the Catholics props for being creative, though. I mean, I guess no one would accept a lord and savior who's mom was running it all over town.

At any rate. Am here in France. life goes on. It is cold (but I do not need a coat, thank you very much Suzannah!). I am, however, thinking about investing in a hat. I hear good things. I shall update when possible. I love and miss all you kids!

Conclusion: France is terrifying...but so cute! Like a tasmanian devil. Cute? Yes. Deadly? Most certainly.

1 comentario:

courtle dijo...

"I mean, I guess no one would accept a lord and savior who's mom was running it all over town." ily