jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008


Hello all! So, after many obsessively detailed attempts to start up this thing, I finally got it off the ground (I think). I hope it's not too painfully ugly, but it certainly was a lot of work for my limited computing skills. Anyway, as we all may or may not know, I'm spending the year here in Madrid, Spain, which is a glorious city of about 6 million people. I hope to keep this updated at least sporadically with tales of all my exploits (although we all know how reliable I am about stuff like that). Anywho, I miss all you lovely folks in the States and can't wait to see you all again! I'm heading to Salamanca tomorrow (in the western part of the country, near Portugal) and I'll try to check in again when I get back!
¡Love love love!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Umm it took me the longest time to understand that they were saying "estacion en curva" i kept thinking they were saying estacion en obra but none of the stations were underconstruction...lol but anyways now i have that message memorized like you!