lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

¡Real Madrid!

Went to a futbol game last night! It was Real Madrid versus Bilbao Athletic Club, and it was an excellent. Bilbao has a reputation for violence, and they did not disappoint. We saw a number of yellow cards, one red card, and a penalty. Also, for heaven's sake. All the players totally ham it up when they fall or get knocked over. One guy went down and lay there like writhing and moaning until the medics ran over, then he hopped up and was fine. They all just want penalties. Of course Real Madrid won (I mean, they are "Real" (which means "royal")).

Either way, fun was had by all. There was a large (school?) group of Brits in front of us who were really enjoying it (if one defines "enjoy" as throwing things at everyone and blowing horns). Suzannah got a boss new scarf (for her bro, I believe), and now I'm a little sad I didn't also (although I have no brother). Maybe I'll find on at the Rastro...or go to another game! I'll just have to scare up another 40 euros (pricey, huh?). But totally worth it!

1 comentario:

Devon dijo...

Such is the sport of soccer, but I remember how much fun I had watching Salamanca's team.

You doing anything fun for el dia de los santos?