viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009


Haven't been around lately. Sorry. Quick recap:

Lyon/Chambery, Francia (frenchiness)
Frankfurt/Nurnberg, Munchen, Rothenburg, Alemania (castles and concentration camps)
Salzburg, Austria (austria is pretty much germany)
Venezia/Firenze/Verona,/Milano, Italia (wild cats tried to kill us in Poggibonsi)
Basel/Geneva, Suiza (what does it take to get a stamp in your passport?)
Oporto, Portugal (by accident)

Snow in Madrid! *shakes fist*
orientation in Andalucia (we went everywhere! so pretty)
Bilbao/San Sebastian in Pais Vasco (we were not blown up by ETA, so counted the trip a success)

Yet to come:
going to Morocco next weekend!

Miss/love you all. Perhaps I shall be a less fickle blogger in the future. But then, who am I kidding? That's never going to happen.

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